Methodology: Facts and opinions

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THEME: Facts and opinions 

KEYWORDS: opinion, attitude, argumentation, fact, verification, manipulation

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SHORT DESCRIPTION: In this activity, students learn the difference between opinion and fact in a playful way. Although it is a simple pair matching activity, the second part of the task is where pupils learn the difference between opinion and fact. So the so-called “AHA” finding comes afterwards. This way of working is often more beneficial than going from explanation to practice.


The problem can be worked with in an individual way, with each pupil solving on his own device, followed by a joint discussion. 

Another form is group work, where pupils discuss together which card is opinion and which is fact, supporting their claims with arguments. This can be followed by a group activity where a topic is set e.g. global warming and pupils try to formulate opinions and facts to understand the difference between them.

An argumentation game can be played where two groups try to convince a third group of their truth by arguing. During the course of the discussion, pupils from the third group are free to switch depending on whose arguments convince them. It is recommended that the teacher sets the topic to be discussed at the beginning and divides the pupils into groups.